Audrey hat ein tolle Ausstrahlung. Sie war eine bewundernswerte Schauspielerin und eine wunderschöne Frau. Sie wurde sogar auf der "International Best Dressed List- Hall of Fame" gesetzt.
1951 spielte sie in den Broadway Play, "Gigi". Audrey spielte die "Academy Award winning führende Rolle" in "Roman Holiday". Weitere sehr Erfolgreiche Filme waren:
- Sabrina (1954)
- The Nuns Story (1959)
- Breakfast at Tiffany´s (1961)
- Charade (1963)
- My Fair Lady (1964)
- Wait Until Dark (1967) Dafür hat sie einen Academy Award, Golden Globe & BAFTA Nominierung bekommen.
Audrey war die erste Schauspielerin die einen Academy Award, Golden Globe und BAFTA Nominierung gewann als Einzel Auftritt in 1954. Im selben Jahr gewann sie den Tony Award als beste Schauspielerin das Theater stück "Ondine".
Audrey Hepburn war nicht nur einer der besten Schauspielerin, sie war auch ein Fashion Icon. Sie wurde auch als dritt beste "Female Screen Legend" nominiert.
Audrey Hepburn hat viel zeit investiert in die Organisation UNICEF. Von 1988 bis 1992 hilft sie viel in Afrika, Süd Afrika und Asien. Am 20 Januar 1993, im Alter von 63 starb Audrey leider an Krebs.
Ich persönlich halte "Charade" und "Breakfast at Tiffany´s" für die besten Filme. Das ist ein absoluter muss. Jeder der nicht weiß was er Sonntag machen soll, sollte sich wirklich überlegen die Filme von Audrey Hepburn anzuschauen. Einfach sich einen schönen Tag aufn Sofa machen mit eine Kanne Tee, eine kuschle Decke und die tolle Audrey.
I love old movies! Movies that used to have style. I could watch those kind of moves for hours, drink tee and just dream. One of my favorite actresses is and will always be, Audrey Hepburn. Her real name was: "Audrey Kathleen Ruston."
Audrey has a special charisma. She was admirable and a very pretty woman. She was also nominated for the "International Best-Dressed List Hall of Fame."
She played in 1951 in the play "Gigi" (Links are all above). She won the "Academy award winning leading part" in "Roman Holiday". A few more of her successful movies where:
I love old movies! Movies that used to have style. I could watch those kind of moves for hours, drink tee and just dream. One of my favorite actresses is and will always be, Audrey Hepburn. Her real name was: "Audrey Kathleen Ruston."
Audrey has a special charisma. She was admirable and a very pretty woman. She was also nominated for the "International Best-Dressed List Hall of Fame."
She played in 1951 in the play "Gigi" (Links are all above). She won the "Academy award winning leading part" in "Roman Holiday". A few more of her successful movies where:
- Sabrina (1954)
- The Nun´s Story (1959)
- Breakfast at Tiffany´s (1961)
- Charade (1963)
- My Fair Lady (1964)
- Wait until Dark (1967) She won an Academy Award, Golden Glob & BAFTA for this movie.
Audrey was the first actress to win an Academy Award, Golden Glob and BAFTA as a single performance in 1951. In the same year she won the Tony Award for being the best actress in the part of the play,"Ondine".
Audrey was not only one of the best actresses she was also a fashion icon. She was nominated as "Third best Female Screen Legend".
Audrey spent a lot of time of the organization UNICEF. She helped a lot in Africa, South Afrika and Asia around the time of 1988-1992. She died on the 20th of January 1993 of cancer.
My opinion on the movies are that "Charade" and "Breakfast at Tiffany´s" are the best. They both are a must. Everyone that doesn't know what to so on a sunday should watch a few of Audrey´s movies. Just lay back on the couch, make yourself comfortable with a cup of tee, a warm blanket and the great Audrey.
Audrey was not only one of the best actresses she was also a fashion icon. She was nominated as "Third best Female Screen Legend".
Audrey spent a lot of time of the organization UNICEF. She helped a lot in Africa, South Afrika and Asia around the time of 1988-1992. She died on the 20th of January 1993 of cancer.
My opinion on the movies are that "Charade" and "Breakfast at Tiffany´s" are the best. They both are a must. Everyone that doesn't know what to so on a sunday should watch a few of Audrey´s movies. Just lay back on the couch, make yourself comfortable with a cup of tee, a warm blanket and the great Audrey.

Hier sind auch ein paar meiner Lieblings Sprüche von Audrey:
Here are a few of my favorite quotes from Audrey:
Here are a few of my favorite quotes from Audrey:
- I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.
- Die schönsten Romane werden erlebt - und nicht geschrieben.
- Wenn du immer das tust, was du möchtest, ist wenigstens schon mal ein Mensch glücklich.
- Nothing is impossible, the world itself says - I´m possible.
- The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that shoe carries, or the way she combs er hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that ist the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It´s the caring that sie lovingly gives, the passion that she shows and the beauty of a woman only grows with passing years.
Ich hoffe ich konnte den ein oder den anderen dazu überzeugen einmal einen Film anzuschauen von der tollen Audrey. Ich bewundere sie. Ich liebe auch ihren Stil. Ich finde sie außergewöhnlich schön, ihre Outfits und Kombinationen.
I hope I could convince the one and other to watch one of her movies with the great Audrey. I admire her. I love her style. I think she is extraordinarily pretty, her outfits and combinations.
I hope I could convince the one and other to watch one of her movies with the great Audrey. I admire her. I love her style. I think she is extraordinarily pretty, her outfits and combinations.
Ich wünschte, wegen ihr, ein paar Jahre früher gelebt zu haben :D Mein Vater hatte mir mal die DVD Breakfast at Tiffany´s geschenkt und es ist meine Liebste <3 Diese Rolle der Holly ist einfach toll !!!
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Sie ist für mich die schönste Frau schlechthin, mit so viel Charme, Klasse und Eleganz! <3
AntwortenLöschenLG Aziza